Thursday, April 19, 2007


News has been unavoidable lately. I try to stay away from or just simply ignore celebrity rants, most of them have no clue what they talking about anyway, but this latest tidbit is just to stupid to ignore. There is a growing theory that 9/11 was an inside job. They are even filming a documentary on it. There is no evidence to support this mind you, but they are running with it anyway. Is it not bad enough that we rushed into war as it is, lets make all the deaths of Americans completely pointless.

The latest tragedy at V Tech is being exploited as well. What is with all the focus on the killer. Television and paper news are trying to understand this young man's head. Completely ignoring the victims and their families. We can still do something for the people still alive. Who cares what this sicko was thinking before he committed this heinous act? Then my favorite, just yesterday Tom Leykis decided to use this tragedy to push his atheistic beliefs. Reveling in cutting down people who believe in God.

So yay, to the Hollywood bumpkins who use various platforms to preach their filth irregardless of the facts. Yay, to the government who finds the need to shove democracy down everyones throat. And yay, to the National Media who give more attention to the killer than the victims and their families, cause it makes for better ratings.

You all make me sick.


Vickie said...

Wow.. Matt tell us how you really feel! ~hugs you~ I agree that the media is sorely miss directed in it's focus because of the ratings thing... and it would be very sad to think that there had been an internal plot to murder people on 9/11 (I haven't done any research into this yet so I can't give an opinion either way) Keep venting. You are a brilliant man/writer. I'd like to hear more from you too!!!

~bounces away into the sunshine~


Anonymous said...

You are forgeting the most important explotation of them all. Scientology ;)
NY Times article

matt gross said...

Is it not awesome how people can be so quick to pounce on those who are vulnerable. Just brings me back to a conclusion I have made awhile back. "Religion sucks." And people can be so selfish.

I'm going to post something Bono said in a couple of days, that just blew me away. Stay tuned.