Friday, March 30, 2007

Life happens

It has been so long since I last posted. I feel bad. Not because I have a ton of readers, but because this is my way of venting and journaling, and if I'm not writing, it most likely means I'm bottling it up. Not good.

Anyway, I have been a bit preoccupied with my daughter of late. She has been officially diagnosed with ADHD, which kid hasn't, but just to throw us a curve, she has also been diagnosed with a form of autism. A mild case but nonetheless... Now I have to rethink how we discipline. Is what she is doing normal, ADHD, or autism? How do I react? It's like I have to start all over. Unfortunately it is affecting school. Her teacher says she doesn't think she will be ready for 1st grade. (She is six right now, if we hold her back, she will be eight going into 1st grade). But everyone says now is the best time to hold her back, any later and we will have to deal with emotional problems as well.

Life has many obstacles, but concentrating on the important ones makes it a bit easier. Pray for me, if that is your thing, otherwise think about me during this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey a friend of mine who has a boy who is autistic has a website about autism that could be helpful. Him and his wife (more his wife) started a foundation for autism. anyway thought you might like it.