Thursday, March 8, 2007

talk to Me.

We have all seen it. In movies, t.v., and even in song. People who cry out to God, in what seems to be their most desperate hour. "God if you could just get me out of this one." or "God please help me with this test, I know I didn't study, but help me remember what the professor talked about, or what I read.", and so on. Then He is forgotten when times are okay, or good for that matter. This epidemic is everywhere, affecting everyone, Christians and non. Heck, even I do it.

A couple of weeks ago in our little devotion time, on Sunday mornings before service, we discussed this issue. Well, not exactly this issue, but about talking to God. Have you ever prayed just to talk. No agenda. No, help me please. Just a nice talk with God. About absolutely nothing. It got me thinking. I do this more often than I first thought. I work nights, and often on my own. Radio sucks at 3 am, and sometimes my music selection for the evening just doesn't sound good, so, I pray. Occasionally, I start out with a "help me please" or two, but it quickly turns into me just rambling about everything under the Son. (Not a typo, why say "under the sun" when everything really is "under the Son"). I find by doing this I feel God is closer. Like a friend. Think about it. Do you call your best friend just to ask for stuff? No. So, why do we do it to God? God created us for a relationship, with Him first and foremost, but with others as well. God would love to just hear you, and to treat Him and call Him your best friend.

My challenge to those of you who actually read this, (meaning my blog in general), to try this if you have not already, and if you have, make it a habit. It will challenge you to look at your relationship with God differently, and quite possibly change it altogether.


Anonymous said...

I could totally see how talking to G-d about regular stuff that you would talk about with anybody could begin to change how you view your relationship with Him. Thinking of Him as more of a friend or Father in this case. But does it really deepen your relationship with Him? What happens when you really want to have a conversation? Where G-d talks back. I think this alone at some point wont be enough. So let's throw another thing in the mix to practice. Let's start listening. When you go to G-d in prayer find a quiet place and after you've done all the talking and you have run out of things to talk about. Stay there don't move and just be quiet. Maybe then G-d will be heard. Maybe His whisper will be loud enough because we're finally quiet.

Let's do both.

matt gross said...

Ha! You know Aaron sometimes we think too much alike. That was precisely the topic of my next post. When I get introduced to new things or introduce them to others, I like to take them in steps. Like breaking habits, they are sometimes easier to break in steps. So, here I was showing a new way to talk to God, and like most Christians I know, something completely foreign. Then I would, like you suggested, find a quiet place to meditate. Bask in the Glory that is God and not just listen to Him, but HEAR Him. It is in that time of aloneness, in the quiet, and in total immersion, can we truly HEAR God.