Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ticket Tax?

Yep, our wonderful Governor is proposing a luxury tax on tickets. That would include, but not limited too, movies, sporting events, and concerts. Why? Well it is one of the few things this government has not taxed yet. They tax our work, now they want to tax our play. Who thought that this was a good idea? We have to save money to even be able to go out once a week, and that is without a tax. Thought games were expensive before, just wait. I can not say I am surprised. I fully expected this woman to pull some cockamamie bullshit out of her ass. but this... Not like DeVos would have been better, you did not know where that man stood.

Anyway, if you are as pissed as me try this website.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Birthday

Independence Day, the birth of our great nation. When I think of this day I think back to all the sacrifices that were made, in history to present day, that has made this country great. We have the oldest government in the world, and possibly one of the greatest documents ever written, The Constitution. This, what we are, was no accident, and I am proud to be an American.

Happy Birthday America.

Monday, July 2, 2007

My Hero

Phase 1 complete. (Actually I have not been counting the phases, and 1 probably happened awhile ago, but since my concept of time is a little obscure, this is phase 1). My brother Aaron comes home Wednesday, from a three week crash coarse in Spanish. For those who don't know he went to Guatemala to learn the language. He lived with a family that speaks no English and took some Spanish classes during the day. For the next few weeks the Gross family will be spending time with family and preparing to head to Texas. August 3rd is the planned date with an arrival time on August 9th.

Keep us and them in your prayers and thoughts, for this is a very exciting time, but it is also hard to see them go.