Saturday, January 13, 2007


A few years ago I got caught up into the addictive world of the MMORPG. (Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game). It started with FFX1 (Final Fantasy 11), on the PS2, most MMORPGs are on PC and mine at the time was nothing more than a giant calculator. When I finally decided to upgrade my PC, because I fried the motherboard I had no choice, I moved on to Starwars Galaxies. After about a year of SWG I jumped on the WoW (World of Warcraft) bandwagon, which was fun, until a problem with their latest patch made it impossible to play. So now I am playing DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online).

I like the idea of MMORPG, interaction with real people and a game that really has no end. So now I am curious on peoples thoughts on these games, not the ones I mention specifically, but on all MMORPGs?

I decided to do a light topic, and if I get enough response I got a real controversial topic next time, one that most Christians would not touch with a ten foot pole. So please comment away.


aaronsgross said...

Personally I see nothing wrong with the idea of playing role playing games. I know over the years I have heard many Christians give there thoughts in regard to the whole thing, that it's from the devil. Lovely comments I know. I do prefer the idea of doing this sort of game with a group of friends at their house not on the internet, but that's just becuase there's more interaction amongst friends. It could be more about the friendship and less about the actual game.

My only negative thought toward the rpg's is that I can see how people could begin to worship that world. I know you can worship anything and we all do worship all sorts of various things in our life. This too would be something to be careful with. I could see many people who maybe are depressed over the kind of life they live and find it more appealing and begin to find more life in the make belief that in reality. I don't know anyone who actually does that, but I could just see it happening that's all. I like to play rpg's from time to time. I just find it hard to get that kind of time for it.

matt gross said...

The thing I like most about the pen and paper game is it is one of the very few games where you are not competing against each other. Instead you work as a team to accomplish a goal. The PC equivalent I like for the never ending game play, I don't like it when a good game ends.

Ruth said...

Yeah, it's especially fun when you're so into it that your little girl decides to microwave a meal, cut her hair, and color on her walls... of which you're totally oblivious to! Oh, wait, but your kid would never do THAT! LOL

You're a dork, and your MY dork! Love ya, babe! :)

Jimmy Hoogewind said...

i think what's been said lends itself to one word - moderation.

speaking from personal experience, i've seen the damage online gaming (Halo 2) with no boundaries can have on a marriage.

i was eventually forced to ask myself if i'm capable of living without it... fortunately, i am and am, therefore, still married!

matt gross said...

Right on Jimmy, as with all hobbies moderation is key. Now that I have a kid I have to be more mindful of my priorities.

And Ruth, most of those things happened cause I was passed out on the couch, not because I was absorbed in a game. :) I love working nights.

Anonymous said...

I really do enjoy MMORPGs as a whole, but I really feel that they should not replace the feel and comradarie of old pencil, paper, dice and books table top RPG gaming. While it is nice to be able to get into a game with a quick click and fast connect speed, it should, in my opinion, only supplement the table top experience and not replace it. As Matt said, the goal in MMORPGs can be rather singular and selfish, where RPGs tend to be group oriented and the benefit is shared by all.

I feel people should try new things. After all we only get one shot at things in this life (depending on your feelings about reincarnation). Not only that but it tends to give one's self a better, more personal, understanding of how this is not just for "a bunch of geeky nerdy people." I have to admit when I first started with RPGs I was rather unsure at first. But after a few sessions and getting the game mechanics down I wouldn't change it for anything. Just being with good people, good friends, and having a good time with a good story is a great way to spend time.

Anonymous said...

you should spend more time with your family

Ruth said...

Hey Anon, let me know if you know any good / inexpensive babysitters... I'd love an opportunity to drag Matt out for a movie w/his wife! :) (Hey, a woman can dream, can't she?!?)