Friday, January 5, 2007

I got this email the other day...

Let me start by saying, I am an indepenent. I have always voted for the right man for the job and never for a party as a whole. Some of my views may lean right, and some lean more left, but, I'd like to think I have the best interests for my family and country in mind. With that...

I got this email the other day, it was your typical left-bashing-right rhetoric, but I gave it a reading. Sometimes these things can be funny, though this made a poor attempt at humor, if that was its purpose. Normally these things don't bother me, I brush off most crap spewed from either side, but the opening line pissed me off. Well, that was my first reaction, then it just saddened me.

"Jesus loves you and he shares your hatred for homosexuals and Hillary Clinton."

Do people actually think this? If so, can I really blame them? The church, I think, is to blame mostly. They have obscured the view of Christ beyond recognition. For people to actually think that Jesus would hate ANYONE, means that someone, somewhere, seriously misunderstood who Jesus is. I really don't care if you think Jesus was God or if he was just a teacher/prophet. Both historians and theologians agree he was a man of love and compassion, a pacifist even. The idea of him hating someone is just...asinine, ignorant at best.

This is what passes as Christianity today, and why I try to stand apart. I believe the gospel story, I believe Jesus is God. What I don't believe and I refuse to entertain is, God/Jesus is religion, which is exactly what Christianity has become. I would love to call myself a Christian, the original meaning was 'Christ like,' but as I stated above that doesn't seem the case. Jesus said the greatest commandment was, "love God, and love people." If the 80% of Americans that claim to be "Christian," really believed that, what would this country look like?

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